July 31, 2023

Microsoft Windows - History | Characteristics

Basics About MS Windows:

Developer ---------------------->  Microsoft Company      
Established in
------------------>  20th November 1985  
----------------------->  Support 138 languages
Default User Interface
-------->  Windows Power Shell  
Official Website
---------------->  www.microsoft.com     


Windows - Operating System

Operating System is a group of several GUIs (Graphical User Interface) or a system software which is responsible to manage all resources available in computer system. It is also known as Master Control Program

The latest version of Microsoft Operating System - Windows 11.

History and Development of Windows

It was 1983 when work on “Interface Manager” was started by Microsoft but it was in November 1995, when the first Windows 1.0 was introduced.

Windows 1.0-2.0         1985-1992 
Windows 3.0-3.1         1990-1994

Windows 95                 1995          
Windows 98                1998         

Windows 2000             2000          
Windows XP                 2001          

Windows Vista             2006          
Windows 7                   2009         

Windows 8                   2012
Windows 10                 2015        
Windows 11                 2021*      


Characteristics of Windows Operating System

1. Windows 1.0

  1. It was released on November 20, 1985 
  2. Pure Operating Environment
  3. Used Graphical User Interface
  4. Simple Graphics
  5. Offered limited multi-tasking was expected to have a better future potential

2. Windows 2.0

  1. It was released on December 9, 1987
  2. 16-bit Graphic User Interface (GUI) based operating environment
  3. Introduced Control Panel, and the first version of MS Word and Excel
  4. Unlike Windows 1.0, it had the capacity to allow applications to overlap each other
  5. It was also the last Windows OS which did not require a hard disk
  6. Hardware played an important role

3. Windows 3.0

  1. It was released in 1990
  2. It was better at multitasking
  3. Used 8086 microprocessors
  4. It has both, conventional and extendable memory
  5. First version of Windows to gather critical appreciation
  6. Better memory/ storage

4. Window 95

  1. It was the first complete Operating System 
  2. It was released on August 15, 1995
  3. It merged MS-DOS and Windows products
  4. It simplified plug and play features
  5. Taskbar and Start menu was introduced with this Windows OS
  6. Advanced from 16 bit GUI to 32 bit GUI
  7. Long file names could be saved
  8. Initially, computers with Windows 95 did not have Internet Explorer installed but by the release date of Windows 95, the first version of Internet Explorer was installed in the software
  9. On December 31, 2001, Windows declared this version of OS outdated and ended its support for the same

5. Windows 98

  1. It was released to manufacturing on May 15, 1998
  2. It was a 16 bit and 32 bit product based on MS DOS
  3. It was not an entirely new version but just a tuned-up version to Windows 95
  4. Internet Explorer 4.01 was released along with this Windows version
  5. It did not support USB printers or mass storage devices 
  6. An update to this version “Windows SE” was released in 1999

6. Windows 2000

  1. It was officially released on February 17, 2000. However, its manufacturing had begun in late 1999
  2. A core set of features was followed for manufacturing Windows 2000 but 4 different editions, targeting different sectors of the market were released. These included: Server, Professional, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server
  3. It was considered as one of the most secure OS ever
  4. A local disk manager was introduced with these Windows
  5. Multilingual User Interface – it supported many different languages

7. Windows XP

  1. While the manufacturing started on August 24, 2001, the official product was released on October 25, 2001
  2. Advanced portable PC support
  3. Automatic wireless connection support
  4. Fast start-up
  5. Better Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  6. Help and support center

8. Windows Vista

  1. It was released on January 30, 2007
  2. It had an upgraded version of Graphical User Interface
  3. It was the first operating system to use DVD-ROM for installation

9. Windows 7

  1. It was released on October 22, 2009
  2. A large number of new features were introduced
  3. Redesigned Windows shell with an updated taskbar
  4. Incremental upgrade to the Windows line
  5. Libraries were added in the file management system
  6. A few features from the past Windows were removed
  7. Extended hardware support

10. Windows 8

  1. It was released for retail on October 26, 2012
  2. Optimizations for touch-based
  3. Installed in new devices like Laptops, Mobile phones, tablets, etc.
  4. Increased integration with cloud services
  5. Windows Store service for software distribution
  6. Task manager redesigned
  7. New security features introduced
  8. Online Applications could be directly downloaded

11. Windows 10

  1. It was released on July 29, 2015
  2. Addresses shortcomings in the user interface first introduced with Windows 8
  3. A virtual desktop system
  4. It had the ability to run windows store apps within windows on the desktop rather than in the full-screen mode
  5. Included new icons
  6. To reduce storage shortcomings, Windows 10 automatically compresses the file size
  7. New browser Edge released 
  8. Multiple desktop window feature availableInbuilt with new hardware like laptop added to overcome the piracy.

12. Windows 11* (Latest Version)

  1. It was released on October 4, 2021
  2. Well upgraded version of Window 10
  3. Mostly features available inbuilt without installing outsource applications.
  4. Well featured tablet mode option upgraded
  5. have a Trusted Platform Module 2.0 (TPM) security chip



July 26, 2023

Books must be in your bag or on your table !


 "पुस्तकें मनुष्य की सच्ची मित्र होती हैं "


            किताबें हमेशा से ही मनुष्य की मित्र रही है| ये बात हम सभी जानते हैं| हम इस बात को नकार नहीं सकते| किताबें हमें वो सब कुछ दे सकती हैं जो हमसे कोई चाहकर भी छीन नहीं सकता और हम चाहें तब उसे बाँट सकते है| उसी बांटने वाली चीज का नाम है "ज्ञान"| इधर उधर की टूटी फूटी तथ्य जानकारी को व्यवथित कर सूचना में बदलना और सही तरीके और सही जगह में इस्तेमाल करना ही ज्ञान कहलाता है, जो हमें किताबों के इस्तेमाल के बगैर नहीं आ सकता| किताबें वो लिखित सामग्रियां हैं जिन्होंने हमारे ज्ञान को सदा बढ़ाया ही है| 


             अब अगर आधुनिक दौर को देखें तो किताबों का स्वरुप बदलने लगा है| पहले हमें किताबों को खोजने हेतु काफी दूर जाना पड़ता था और वो जानकारी हमें वहां मिलेगी या नहीं इस बात का कोई प्रमाण भी नहीं था| किन्तु अब आप डिजिटल (Digital) दुनिया के इस दौर में कुछ भी घर बैठे पा सकते हो| पढ़ सकते हो और उनका सही इस्तेमाल भी कर सकते हो| इन सूचनाओं ने मनुष्य का साथ कभी नहीं छोड़ा, जब तक की आपने खुद नहीं छोड़ा हो| Computer ने हमारे आधुनिक जीवन में धीरे धीरे इतना विकास कर लिया है कि इसके बिना जीवन जीने के बारे में हम सोच भी नहीं सकते| इसी के साथ साथ Internet की दुनिया का भी विकास हुआ| आप अपने चारों ओर देखेंगे
और पायेंगे आजकल हर किसी के हाथ में इन्टरनेट है| जीवन आसान नहीं और भी पेचीदा होता जा रहा है| इसके अधिक उपयोग से छोटे बच्चों और युवाओं के स्वाभाव और शरीर में बदलाव आने लगे हैं, लोग चिडचिडे होने लगे हैं| बच्चों को छोटी सी उम्र में ही चश्मे लगने लगे हैं| हालांकि हमारा दैनिक भोजन भी इसका कारण है| किन्तु इन्टरनेट का अधिक उपयोग को हम नकार नहीं सकते|

            देखिये मेरी माने तो मैं इस डिजिटल मीडिया (Digital Media) के खिलाफ नहीं हूँ| इसने मुझे बहुत सी चीजों को सीखने में मेरी मदद की है| मैं जो अपनी बात आप तक इतनी जल्दी पहुंचा रहा हूँ सब इसी का नतीजा है| पर फिर भी इसका उपयोग नुक्सान देह ही होगा| एक बात तो आप मान ही लीजिये की Digital Media किताबों, मैगज़ीनो, जर्नल्स में उपलब्ध जानकारी का मात्र 10% हिस्सा ही दिखाता है| बाकी 90% तो आपको किताबों से ही मिलेगा| देखा जाए तो मीडिया पुस्तकों में उपलब्ध जानकारी का महज छोटा सा हिस्सा होता है और किताबें बहुत ही व्याप्त| एक Example जिसके माध्यम से मैं बताना चाह रहा हूँ कि जब उस लड़के के साथ Digital Media के उपयोग करने वाले कुछ तत्वों ने उसका दुरूपयोग किया तो उसे किसी लेखक का सहारा ही नजर आया|


Must Read: Traditional Vs Digital Library Disadvantages - Coming Soon


             मैंने एक फिल्म देखी "Proximity" जो वर्ष 2000 में बनी थी| उस फिल्म का एक सीन है जिसमें एक ब्लॉगर एक ब्लॉग (Blog) लिखता है जो उसके साथ घटित एक कहानी होती है| वो उस कहानी को दुनिया के सामने लाना चाहता है| कितु डिजिटल मीडिया उसका इंटरव्यू करके उसकी कहानी को तोड़ मरोड़ कर पेश कर देते हैं| एक शक्श जो उसकी मदद करना चाहता है कहता है की वो एक लेखक है और अपनी किताब के माध्यम से वो यह सच बतायेगा जिससे उसकी बहुत मदद हो जायेगी| देखा जाए तो ये बात बहुत हद तक सही भी है क्योंकि पुस्तक में जो सचाई होती है वो मीडिया में नहीं हो सकती| हाँ पर मीडिया का इस्तेमाल हम एक खबर के तौर पर ले सकते हैं| जैसे मैंने कहा मैं इसके खिलाफ नहीं हूँ| मीडिया समय बहुत बर्बाद करती है उसे सिर्फ सुना जा सकता है किन्तु उसका मतलब हमारी बोलने के लहजे में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होने देता है|

            मेरी राय है, ये किसी की व्यक्तिगत राय भी हो सकती है कि किताबें सदा से मनुष्य की एक अच्छी मित्र साबित हुई हैं| डॉ. रंगनाथन जी के 5 पुस्तकालय विज्ञान सूत्रों के अनुसार "पुस्तकें उपयोगार्थ हैं", तभी साबित होगी जब हम उपयोग करना सीख जायेंगे| वास्तविक किताबें ज्यादा सार्थक हैं बजाय e-kitaab के, जो हमारी शैली को, हमारी आदत को, हमारे स्वभाव को बदलने और एक सही दिशा देने में मदद करती हैं| आपको हर सप्ताह या हर महीने एक पुस्तक तो पढनी ही चाहिए| आप पायेंगे की आपमें परिवर्तन आने लगे हैं|

Must Read: Five Laws of Library Science by S R Ranganathan

अब यह हमारी जिम्मेदारी है की किस तरह हम किताबो को अपने जीवन में लायें ताकि आने वाली पीढ़ी इससे कुछ सीख सके| इसे महज पढाई का बोझ न समझें| उससे कहीं ज्यादा जिम्मेदारी तो उन गुरुओं की हैं जिन्होंने शिक्षक बनने की जिम्मेदारी अपने कंधे पर ली हुई है| Ministry of Culture द्वारा आयोजित  किया जाने वाला Festival of Librarian 2023 (05 अगस्त 2023) इसकी ओर एक बहुत बड़ा कदम है, जो Physical Library को भी बढ़ावा देने में अपनी अहम् भूमिका निभा रहे हैं|

July 23, 2023

Festival of Libraries 2023 on 05-06 August 2023 at New Delhi

             The Festival of Libraries 2023 will be inaugurated by the Ministry of Culture and make a good effort in Library Development. So be part of that Inauguration and do a great effort in Library Development with the Government of India.

Ministry of Culture released a press conference on July 19, 2023. Watch the LIVE broadcast of the Press Conference ahead of the much anticipated Festival of Libraries 2023, being held at the National Museum in New Delhi -
Click Here

The two-day event will promote conversations on development of libraries in India and foster a reading culture through panel discussions & community engagement.
Ministry of Culture
(Government of India)
Festival of Libraries 2023 on Date 05 - 06 August 2023
Time: 10.30 AM

Honorable President of India -  Draupadi Murmu

Venue at: Hall no. 3, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi (Entry gate: 5A)

Important Bullets:
  • To further the Honorable Prime Minister's vision for development of libraries and for encouraging a culture of reading.
  • To start a conversation on the modernization and digitization of libraries and ignite the resurgence of a reading culture
  • To facilitate advocacy for action-oriented policy for the development of model libraries down to the village and community level.
  • To commemorate National Reading Day and Digital Reading Month celebrated in honor of P N Panicker and advocate for Read and Grow.
  • To commemorate National Librarian's Day (12th August) on the birth anniversary of Dr. S  R ranganathan who was considered the Farther of Library Science in India.

1. Panel Discussions
2. Archives & Oral Histories
3. Stakeholder Roundtables
4. Children's Zone/Workshops
5. Exhibitions
6. Valedictory Session

Drawing Rooms
1. Authors Zone
- Meet the author sessions, networking with publishing houses, sessions with U18 Yuva Authors
- Penguin Artist, Pepperscript, NBT, British Council

2. Digital Zone
- Highlight on Podcast, Flipbooks
- Digital Book art & storytelling by Gaurav Ogale
- Readathon of 'A Day at the Museum'

3. Community Library Project
- Capacity building to augment creation of a public library system
- Open Misc Poetry: 'K se Kitaab'

4. Showcase of digital platform that host data of culture relevance from various repositories and institutions all over India
- Exhibition of Rare Books

5. Children's Zone & Workshops
- shilp se Shiksha, Writing Letters to your Favorite Authors, creative Writing & Storytelling, Zine Making, DIY Vintage Postcards


1. Museum of the World Virtual Inauguration
2. Kickoff of Rampur Raza Library 250th Celebration - Virtual Gound-Breaking ceremony of RRRL Modernization & Release of Sassy Library Thriller Series
3. Tripartite MoU for Golden Triangle for Libraries between RRL (Rampur), KBOPL (Patna), APRI (Tonk)
4. Cursive Writing book in 22 Languages
5. Inauguration of Exhibitions

July 22, 2023

EMRS Librarian Syllabus 2023

            The EMRS Librarian examination syllabus includes topics like library science, general awareness, English language, and quantitative aptitude. All the EMRS Librarian exam related thing available in below:

Post Name : Librarian TGT
Total Post : 369
Pay Scale : Level 7( Rs. 44900-142400/-)
Age Limit : Not Exceeding 35 Years
Educational Qualifications: Essential Qualification - a degree in Library Science from a recognized Institute/University or Graduation with a one-year diploma in Library Science from a recognized Institution.
Apply Online: Click Here

A. Foundation of Library & Information Science    

1. Library as a Social Institution

- Social & Historical foundations of the Library.
- Different types of libraries - Academic, Public, Special - their distinguishing features and functions.
- Role of U.G.C. for the development of Academic libraries.
- Role in the Library of formal and informal education.

2. Normative Principles of Lib. & Inf. Science

- Five Laws of Library Science.
- Implications of five laws in Lib. & Inf. Science
- Development of Libraries with special reference to India, Baroda Public Library system
- Library Cooperation, Resource Sharing and Library Networking.

3. Laws relating to Libraries & Information.

- Library legislation needs essential features.
- Library legislation in India.
- Maharashtra Public Library Act.
- Press and registration act & Delivery of Books act (Public Library).
- Copyright act, Intellectual Property rights.

4. Library and Information Profession

- Attribution of profession.
- Librarianship as a profession.
- Professional ethics.
- Professional associations & their role.
- National & International Library Associations - FID, IFLA, LA, ILA, ALA, IASLIC etc.
- Professional education & research.

5. Promoters of Library & Information Services

- National level promoters - RRRLF.
- International level promoters - UNESCO

6. Public relations & Extension activities

- Definition
- facets and programs.
- publicity & extension, Outreach activities.
- Library pathfinders (Guides)
- Factors affecting Library development, Literacy, publishing, Book Trade

B. Knowledge Organization, Information Processing & Retrieval    

1. Universe of Knowledge

- Structure and attributes.
- Modes of formation of subjects.
- Different types of subjects.
- Universe of subjects as mapped in different schemes of classification.

2. Bibliographic description

- Catalog purpose, Structure and types of physical forms including OPAC filling rules.
- Overview of principles and practice in document description.
- Current trends in Standardization, description and exchange.
- Standard codes of cataloging.
- Normative Principles of cataloging.

3. Methods of Knowledge Organization

- General theory of Library Classification.
- Normative principles of classification and their application.
- Species of Library Classification.
- Standard Schemes of Classifications and their features, CC, DDC, UDC.
- Notation: Need, Functions, Characteristics
- Design and development of schemes of Library Classification, Standard subdivision Index.
- Trends in Library Classification.

4. Subject Classification

- Principles of Subject Classification.
- Subject heading lists and their features.

C. Information Technology: Basic    

1. Information Technology

- Definition, Need, Scope and Objectives.

2. Computer Basic (Hardware)

- Introduction to Computers
- Overview of Historical Development of Computers.
- Generations of Computers, Classification of Computers.
- Essential Components of the Computer system.

3. Computer Architecture-Organization of Computer

- Input and Output devices- Keyboard, Scanner, OCR, Printers, Monitor

4. Software.

- Operating systems: Single & Multi-User Systems, Basic features of MS-DOS, MS Windows, Linux, UNIX, Windows NT etc.
- Programming Languages: Concepts and Tools
- Algorithm & Flow-charting.

5. MS Office Package (Word Processors, Spread Sheet, Power Point etc.)
6. DBMS Package 

- Familiarity with DBASE, FOXPRO, CDS/ISIS, SOUL, MS Access (Basic features)

7. Computer application to library & Information work 

- Housekeeping operations

8. Communication Technology

- Communication Technology Basic Concepts
- Networking: Basic Concepts.
- Internet

D. Management of Libraries & Information Centers/Institutions    

1. Management

- Concepts, definition and scope.
- Management styles and approaches.
- Management schools of thought.
- Functions and principles of Scientific Management.

2. Human Resource Management

- Organizational structure.
- Delegation, Communication and Participation.
- Job Description and Analysis, Job evaluation.
- Interpersonal relation.
- Recruitment procedures.
- Motivation, Group Dynamics.
- Training and Development.
- Disciplines and Grievances.
- Performance Appraisal.

3. Financial Management

- Resources Mobilization
- Budgeting Techniques and Methods PPBS, Zero Based Budgeting etc.
- Budgetary Control.
- Cost-effectiveness and Cost-Benefit analysis.
- Outsourcing.

4. Reporting

- Types of reports, Annual report compilation, Contents and style.
- Library Statistics etc.

5. System Analysis and Design

- Library as a system
- Project Management PERT/COM
- Decision Tables.
- Performance evaluation standards, MIS.
- Performance Measurement, reengineering, Time and Motion Study
- SWOT ( Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat)
- DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

6. Total Quality Management (TQM)

- Definition, Concept, Element
- Quality Audit, LIS-related standards.
- Technology Management.

7. Library Housekeeping Operations.

- Different sections of the Library & Information Center and their functions.
- Collection Development and Management Policies Procedures.
- Book Ordering (Acquisition)
- Technical Processing.
- Serials Control, Circulation Control, Maintenance etc.
- Stock Verification- Policies and Procedures.
- Evaluation and Weeding.
- Archiving-conservation-Preservation.
- Restoration including Print, Non-Print and Electronic Materials.

8. Planning

- Concept, Definition, Need and Purpose, Types.
- Policies and Procedures, MBO
- Building and Space Management in Libraries and Information Centers.
- Library Building, Interior & Exterior, Furniture, Equipment’s, Standards & Types.
- Risk Management, Contingency Management.
- Planning of related Infrastructure, Library Standards.

9. Management of change.

- concept of change.
- changes in Procedures, Methods, Tools and Techniques.
- Problems of Incorporating Change.
- Techniques of Managing Change.

E. Information Sources & Services    

1. Reference and information sources.

- Documentary Sources of Information, Print, Non-Print including Electronic: Special features, Scope, types
- Nature, Characteristic, Utility and evaluation of different types of Information sources: Physical formats, Authority, Content, Utility.
- Non-Documentary Information Sources.
- Reference Sources Categories, Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Information Sources.
(Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Periodical, Thesis, Books, Yearbook, Patents, Trade literature, standards, Monographs, Reference Books, Year Books, Almanac, Atlas, Abstracting & Indexing periodicals, Bibliographies, Handbooks, etc.)

- Internet as a Source of Information.

2. Reference Service.

- Concept, Definition, Need, Scope and trends.
- Reference Interview and Search Techniques.

3. Information Services and Products

- Information Services and Products.
- Information services concepts, Definitions, Need and trends.
- Need, Techniques and Evaluation of Alerting services (CAS & SDI)
- Bibliographic, Referral, Document Delivery and Translation Services.

4. Information System and their Services.

- Study of National, International and Commercial Information Systems and Services- Background, their Services and Products.

F. Library Users    

1. Techniques of Library and Information Centres Survey.

- Proforma method.
- Interview method.
- Records analysis method.

2. Information users and their information Needs

- Categories of Information users.
- Information needs definitions and models.
- Information-seeking behavior.

3. User Education

- Goals and Objectives level, Techniques and Methods, Evaluation of Users Education Programmes.

4. User Studies.

- Methods and techniques of User studies.
- Evaluation of User studies.

5. User Orientation Programmes:

- Conventional and Modern Techniques: Study tours, Newsletters, Handbooks, Leaflets, Powerpoint Presentations, Websites etc.

 1. General Awareness  

General knowledge and Current affairs with special emphasis in the field of education.  
2. Reasoning Ability 
Puzzles & Seating arrangement, Data sufficiency, Statement based questions (Verbal. reasoning), Inequality, Blood relations, Sequences and Series, Direction Test, Assertion and Reason, Venn Diagrams.  
3. Knowledge of ICT 
Fundamentals of Computer System, Basics of Operating System, MS Office, Keyboard Shortcuts and their uses, Important Computer Terms and Abbreviations, Computer Networks, Cyber Security, and Internet.  
4. Teaching Aptitude 
Teaching-Nature, Characteristics, Objectives and Basic requirements, Learner's characteristics, Factors affecting teaching, Methods of Teaching, Teaching Aids and Evaluation Systems.  
5. Experiential activity-based pedagogy and case study based  
6. National Education Policy (NEP)- 2020  
7. Khelo India, Fit India and other similar programs (for PET only)  
8. General Hindi 
संधि, समास, विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, सामान्य अशुद्धियाँ, वाक्यांशों के लिए एक शब्द, मुहावरे - लोकोक्तियाँ, अपठित गद्यांश पर आधारित प्रश्न | 
9. General English 
Verb, Tenses, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary, Antonyms/Synonyms, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases


             The exam format for the EMRS Librarian or other subjects are computer-based test (CBT).  

1. CBT Based 
2. Multiple-Choice questions. 
3. Each correct response carries 1 mark, and incorrect responses receive -0.25 mark.
4. Total Questions = 150
5. Total Marks = 150
6. Total Time Duration without any time limit for each part = 180 Minutes (3 Hours)

Share your feedback and Best Wishes for your Exam in Advance.

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Most Important Computer MCQ's - Part 2