1911 में Sayajirao Gaekwad - III ने W A Borden को Badoda (Gujrat) में बुलाया, जिसने ट्रेनिंग / रिफ्रेशर कोर्स की शुरुआत की | यह भारत का पुस्तकालय शिक्षा का पहला प्रशिक्षण विद्यालय बना|
** विश्व का पहला पुस्तकालय स्कूल School Library Economy (1887) Melvil Dewey द्वारा 20 छात्रों और 7 शिक्षकों के साथ शुरू किया था|
प्रथम पीएचडी - D. B. कृष्णराव1957 में प्राप्तरंगानाथन के निर्देशन मेंPhD प्रदान की लेख हेतु - Fact Analysis and Depth Classification of Agriculture
Indian Library Science-related Consolidate Facts:
First BLIS Course - Aligarh Muslim University (1947).
First MLIS Course - Delhi University (1949).
First MPhil in Library Science Course - Delhi University (1978).
First PhD in Library Science Course - Delhi University (1951).
- First University to introduce, M.Lib.Sc., M.Phil, and Ph.D. in LIS in India - Delhi University.
First D.Litt. in Library Science Course - Utkal University (1992).
First Refresher Course in Library Science - Barodha (1911).
First Diploma in Library Science - Punjab University (1915).
First Certificate Course in Library Science - Madras Library Association (1929).
First PG Diploma in Library Science - Madras University (1937).
First five years integrated course in LIS - Calcutta University.
Other important Facts:
The First and Oldest University Library were established in British India - Calcutta University.
The first university in India where a library committee is formed- Calcutta University.
First Public Library in India - Thiruvananthapuram Public Library ( The Kerala State Central Library ) in 1829.
The first Library Network to provide e-mail service in the country - DELNET
The first centre to use the computer in the library and information activities in India - DRTC Bangalore (est. 1962).
The first e-mail service in India was provided by - ERNET.
The first social network for Indian Library and Information Science professionals - LIS Links.
First Public Library Act in India - Kolhapur Public Lib. Act (1945) [still not in functioning]
First Public Library Act in independent India - Madras (1948)
The first library was noticed in India - Sravasti (U.P).
First D.Litt. की उपाधि प्राप्त की - D. B. शुक्ला ने (Utkal University)
विश्व में सर्वप्रथम PhD प्रारंभ - 1935 (By London School of Economics)
भारत में पुस्तकालय विकास हेतु काम करने वाला पहला व्यक्ति - रंगानाथन
विश्व में सर्वप्रथम BLIB शुरू - USA में
विशव में सर्वप्रथम पुस्तकालय विज्ञान में प्रोफेसर की नियुक्ति - 1886 (Gottingen University, Germany)
1. http://theindianlibrarian.blogspot.com/search/label/LIS%20Notes%20for%20Competitive%20Examinations?updated-max=2021-01-01T05:08:00-08:00&max-results=20&start=20&by-date=false
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