August 20, 2022

Cataloguing Codes and Bibliographic Description Standards || Library Science


In this post we covered Cataloguing Codes and Bibliographic Description Standards with publication Year in the below list:

    Cataloguing Codes with Publication Years:
  • British Museum Code – 1841
  • Javet Code – 1852
  • Rules for Dictionary Catalogue – 1876
  • Library of Congress Subject Heading (1st Edition) – 1898
  • Prussion Instruction – 1899
  • Anglo American Code(AAC) – 1908
  • Vatican Code – 1927 (Published in 1931)
  • Classified Catalogue Code(CCC) – 1934
  • American Library Association(ALA) – 1949
  • Anglo American Cataloguing Rules-I(AACR-I) – 1967
  • AACR-II R(Revised Edition) – 1988
  • AACR-II R(Revised Edition) – 2002
  • Resource and Description Access(RDA) – 2010
Bibliographic Description Standards Cataloguing Code and Publication Year:
  • ISBD – 1971
  • ISBD(M) – 1971(Publisher in 1974)
  • UBC – 1974
  • ISBD(G) – 1975(Published in 1977)
  • ISBD(S) – 1988
  • ISBN – 1970
  • ISSN – 1975
  • MARC I – 1966
  • MARC II – 1968
  • MARC 21 – 1999
  • UNIMARK – 1977
  • UAP – 1982
  • CCF(1st Edition) – 1984
  • CCF(2nd Edition) – 1988
  • CCF(3rd Edition) – 1992
  • Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records(FRBR) – 1998
  • CIP – 1971
  • Z39.50 – 1988
  • Resource Description and Access(RDA) - 2010
General Rules - The Basic Divisions of the MARC 21 bibliographic record are:
  • 0XX – Control Information, numbers, codes
  • 1XX – Main Entry
  • 2XX – Titles, edition, the imprint (in general, the title, statement of responsibility, edition and publication information)
  • 3XX – Physical Description etc.
  • 4XX – Series statements (as shown in the book)
  • 5XX – Notes
  • 6XX – Subject Added entries
  • 7XX – Added entries other than subject or series
  • 8XX – Series added entries (other authoritative forms)

Important Mark Fields of Cataloguing
  • 010 tag – Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)
  • 020 tag – International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
  • 100 tag – Personal Name main entry (Author)
  • 245 tag – Title information (which includes the title, other title information and the statement of responsibility)
  • 250 tag – Edition
  • 260 tag – Publication Information
  • 300 tag – Physical description (often referred to as the “collation” when describing books)
  • 490 tag – Series Statement
  • 520 tag – Annotation or summary note
  • 650 tag – Topical subject heading
  • 700 tag – Personal name added entry (Joint author, editor or illustrator)

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