August 23, 2024

Library : Full Forms / Abbreviations

 In this section, we are sharing some important library abbreviations only for LIS which will cover all concerned examinations. 

LIS - Library and Information Science (पुस्तकालय एवं सूचना विज्ञान)

CSIR - Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (1942)

NISCAIR - National Institute of Science, Communication and Information Resources (2002)

CSIR-NIScPR - CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (From 01-04-2021)

NKRC - National Knowledge Resource Consortium

INSDOC - Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (1952)

NISCOM - National Institute of Science and Communication (1951)

NKN - National Knowledge Network (2009)

DESIDOC - Defence  Science Documentation Centre (1970)

DRDO - Defence Research and Development Organisation (1958)

SENDOC - Small Enterprises National Documentation Centre (1970)

SIET - Small Industry Extention Training Centre (1970)

NICNET - National Informatics Centre Network (1976)

CALIBNET - Culcutta Library Network (1986)

HELINET - Health Science Library and Information Network (2003)

ENVIS - Environmental Information System (1985)

MHRD - Ministry of Human Resource Development [Now Ministry of Education] (1985)

ERNET - Education and Research Network (1986)

BTIS - Bio-Technology Information System Network (1987)

BIS - Biotechnology Information System (1987)

SIB - Scientific Information Bureau (1958)

INFLIBNET - Information Library Network (1991)

SOUL - Software for University Libraries

PLANNER - Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North-East Region

DELNET - Developing Library Network (1992)

SIRNET - Science and Industrial Research Network (1989)

ADINET - Ahmedabad Library Network (1994)

MYLIBNET - Mysoore Library Network (1994)

UGC-INFORNET - UGC Information Network (2002/03)

JANET - Joint Academic Network (1984)

RLG-RLIN : Research Library Group-Research Library Information Network (1974)

CURL - Consortium of University Research Libraries (1996)

NISSAT - National Information System for Science and Technology (1977)

BIOSIS - Bio-Science Information Services Biological Abstracts  (1926)

PIS - Patent Information System (1950)

ERIC - Education Resource Information Centre (1966)

INSPEC - Information System for Physics, Electronics and Computing (1967)

INIS - International Nuclear Information System (1970)

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (1957)

WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organisation (1967)

IPR - Intellectual Property Rights 
(Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883) and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886))

BARC - Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (1967)

AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (1974)

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation (1945)

NASSDOC - National Social Science Documentation Centre (1970)

KWOC - Keyword Out of Context

KWIC - Keyword in Context

KWAC - Keyword Alongside/and Context

CCF - Common Communication Format (1984)

CAS - Current Awareness Service (सामयिक अभिज्ञता सेवा)

SDI - Selecting Dissemination of Information (सूचना का चयनात्मक प्रसारण)

APUPA - Alien Penumbra Umbra Penumbra Alien

OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogue

NCLIS - National Commission of Library and Information Science (1970)

LC - Library of Congress (1800)

MEDLARS - Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (1964)

NLM - National Library of Medicine (1836)

ALA - American Library Association (1876)

LA - The Library Association of the United Kingdom (1877)

ASLIB - Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau (1924)
[Assiciation for Information Management]

IASLIC - Indian Association of Special Library and Information Centre (1955)

IATLIS - Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (1969)

UGC - University Grants Commission (1953/1956)

FLA - Fellowship of Library Association

DRTC - Documentation Research and Training Centre (1962)

ILA - Indian Library Association (1933)

IALA - Indian Academic Library Association (1996)

IFLA - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (1927)

IIS - Institute of Information Scientists (1958)

FID - International Federation for Information and Documentation (1895)

IID - International Institute of Documentation

SLA - Special Libraries Association (1909)

CILIP - Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (2002)

RRRLF - Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (1972)

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (1946)

CLA - Canadian Library Association (1946)

COMLA - Commonwealth Library Association (1972)

NLI - National Library of India (1948)

ASL - Asiatic Society Library (1804)

CPL - Conamora Public Library (1890)

DPL - Delhi Public Library (1951)

DDC - Dewey Decimal Classification (1876)

UDC - Universal Decimal Classification (1905)

AAC - Anglo-American Code (1908)

CC - Colon Classification (1933)

CCC - Classified Catalogue Code (1934)

LCC - Library of Congress Classification (1904)

MARC - Machine Readable Cataloguing (1966)

UNIMARC - Universal Machine Readable Cataloguing

UNISIST - United Nations Information System in Science and Technology

AACR - Anglo-American Cataloguing Rule (1967)

ISDS - International Serial Data System

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network (1988) 

ISBN -International Standard Book Number (1970)

ISSN - International Standard Serial Number (1971)

ISBD - International Standard Bibliographic Description (1969)

LCCN - Library of Congress Control Number (1898)

BIS - Bureau of Indian Standard

ISI - Indian Standard Institution

ISO - International Standard Organisation

ISA - Indian Science Abstract

NKC - National Knowledge Commission (2005)

SLSH - Seyer's List of Subject Headings (1923)

LCSH - List of Congress List of Subject Headings (1898)

TKDL - Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (2001)

OCLC - Online Computer Library Centre (1967) [Old Name: Ohio College Library Network]

SIS - Society for Information Science (1975/76)

ROAR - Registry of Open Access Repositories (2003)

DOAR - Directory of Open Access Repositories (2008)

SHERPA - Security a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access (2003)

RDF - Resource Descriptive Framework

ELINOR - Electronic Library Information Online Retrieval

NACLIN - National Annual Convention on Library and Information Network 
(1998/99) - DELNET

CEL - Central Secretariat Library (1949)

FORSA - Forum for Resource Sharing in Astronomy/Astrophysics (1981)

MALA - Madras Library Association (1928)

NSL - National Science Library (1964)

CRL - Centre for Research Library

CRL - Central Reference Library (1955)

USDOD - United State Department of Defence

FDAR - Focus, Data, Action and Response

NIC - National  Informatics Centre

NPAC - National Programme of Acquisition and cataloguing

NPASF - National Prior Art Search Services Facility [NISCAIR]

RDA - Resource Description and Access (2010)

ARIST - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology

CPM - Critical Path Method

ODLIS - Online Directory for LIS

LISA - Library and Information Science Abstract (1969)

COMPASS - Computer-Aided Subject System

ACI - Anteriorising Common Isolates

PCI - Posteriorising Common Isolates

NICCHEM - National Information Centre on Chemistry and Chemical Technology

PPBS - Planning Programming Budgeting System

ZBBS - Zero-Based Budgeting System

POPSI - Postulate Based Permuted Subject Indexing (1979)

PRECIS - Prescribed Context Index System (1971)

CALIBER - Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research 

ARPA - American Rescue Plan Act

SRELS - Sharda Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science

NUCSSI - National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India

BSO - Broad System of Ordering

UAP - Universal Availability of Publications

INPADOC - International Patent Documentation Centre

IPindia - Intellectual Property India

BOAI - Budapest Open Access Initiative

OAI - Open Archives Initiatives

ICMR - Indian Council of Medical Research

ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research

WSIS - World Summit on the Information Society

FAST - Faceted Application of Subject Terminology

CRG - Classification Research Group

PREMIS - Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategy

METS - Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard

CDP - Collection Development Policy

UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

NML - National Mission on Libraries (2012)

NAPLIS - National Policy on Library and Information Science (1985)

BNB - British National Bibliography (1949)

INB - Indian National Bibliography (1970)

DOI - Digital Object Identifier

FRBR - Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records (1998) ग्रंथ सूची अभिलेखों के लिए कार्यात्मक आवश्यकताएँ

FRAR - Functional Requirement for Authority Data

FRBRoo - FRBR - object oriented

INDEST - Indian National Digital Library in Engineering Science and Technology (2003)

IPA - Intellectual Publishers Association (1986)

IIB - International Institute of Bibliography (1905)

NDL - National Digital Library

NUC - National Union Catalogue

OJS - Open Journal System

UBC - Universal Bibliographic Control

ICWA - Indian Council of World Affairs

ALIS - Annals of Library and Information Studies (1964)

IIPA - International Intellectual Property Alliance (1984)

DFI - Daisy Forum of India

WLIC - World Library of Information Congress

NIEPVD - National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities

LOCKSS - Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (1999)
[The first initiative to preserve digital scholarly journal content, launched by Stanford University Libraries in 1999]

GeRDI - Generic Research Data Infrastructure
[A research data management initiative that targets long tail content that stems from research communities belonging to different domain and research practices]

N-LIST - National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content

RFID - Radio frequency Identification

UDC-MRF - Universal Decimal Classification - Master Reference File

FID/CCC - FID Central Classification Committee

OUCIU - Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities

CDS/ISIS - Computerized Documentation Service/Integrated Set of Information Systems [It's a software package developed by UNESCO to help with information storage and retrieval systems.]

CIP - Cataloguing in Publication

CODATA - Committee on Data for Science and Technology

OJAS - Open Journal Access System

CONPOLIS - Committee on National Policy on Library and Information System

ASTINFO - Regional Network for the Echange of information and Experiences in Science and Technology in Asia and The Pacific (1984)

APINESS - Asia-Pacific Information Network in Social Sciences

JCCC - J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium

ISKO - The International Society for Knowledge Organisation

WTO - World Trade Organisation

ASK - Anamolous State of Knowledge

CBI - Cumulative Book Index

LRC - Library Research Circle

IMCE - International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts

OPT - Online Public Tagging

ICCP - International Conference of Cataloguing Principles


NIC-related important Full Forms:

NCCC - CD ROM National Collection Centre, New Delhi

NICB - National Information Centre for Bibliometrics, New Delhi

NICLAI - National Information Centre for Leather and Allied Industries, Chennai

NICRYS - National Information Centre for Crystallography, Chennai

NICFOS - National Information Centre for Food Services, Mysore

NICMAP - National Information Centre for Machine Tools and Production Engineering, Bangalore

NICDROM - National Information Centre for CD ROM, Bangalore

NICDAP - National Information Centre for Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Lucknow

NICTAS - National Information Centre for Textiles and Allied Subjects, Ahmedabad

NICMAN - National Information Centre for Management, Ahmedabad

NICHEM - National Information Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Pune

NICMAS - National Information Centre for Marine and Aquatic Sciences, Goa

NICAC - National Information Centre for Advanced Ceramics, Kolkatta


Eleven divisions of ALA (American Library Association):
  1. AASL - American Association of School Librarians
  2. ALCTS - Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
  3. ALSC - Association for Library Services to Children
  4. ALTA Association for Library Trustees and Advocates
  5. ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries
  6. ASCLA Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies
  7. LAMA - Library Administration and Management Association
  8. LITA - Library and Information Technology Association
  9. PLA - Public Library Association
  10. RUSA - Reference and User Services Association
  11. YALSA - Young Adult Library Services Association


Research Related Famous Abbreviations:

  • AMRC: Association of Medical Research Charities
  • AR: Adverse Reaction (also known as ADR)
  • ARDSAC: Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee
  • ASR: Annual Safety Report
  • ATMP: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
  • DOA: Delegation of Authority
  • IBC: Institutional Biosafety Committee
  • ICF: Informed Consent Form
  • ICH: International Council for Harmonization
  • IDE: Investigational Device Exemptions
  • IEC: Independent Ethics Committee
  • IRB: Institutional Review Board
  • PI: Principal Investigator
  • RA: Research Assistant (post-graduate or doctoral researcher)
  • SDA: Social Data Analytics


For Book reference:

  • ed.--------------> edition
  • Rev. ed.--------> Revised edition
  • 2nd ed.---------> Second edition
  • Ed. (Eds.)------> Editor (Editors)
  • et al.------------> and others
  • n.d.-------------> No date
  • No.-------------> number (series)
  • p. (pp.)--------> page (pages)
  • para.-----------> paragraph
  • Pt.--------------> part
  • Vol.--------- ---> Volume (not used for journals)

            Last Updated on 23 August 2024

Keywords: UGC NET Exam, KVS Librarian, KVS Library Science, NVS Librarian, NVS Library Science, EMRS Librarian, EMRS Library Science, RPSC Librarian, RPSC Library Science, DSSSB Librarian, DSSSB Library Science, ISRO Librarian, ISRO Library Science, College Librarian, College Library Science, SET Librarian, SET Library Science,

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