Voices are two types - Active Voice and Passive Voice
Below rules apply while changing active voice to passive voice.
Below rules apply while changing active voice to passive voice.
Trick 1: Convert Subject to Object and Object to Subject
Trick 2: Use V3 form
Trick 3: Always use by + Subject
Trick 4: Do not change the Tense
Trick 5: Convert
Who ---------> By whom
Whom -------> Who
Trick 6: Convert Active Voice to Passive Voice
Active Voice Passive Voice
V1/V5 (s/es) ----------> is/am/are
V2/did ------------------> was/were
V3 -----------------------> Been + V3
V4 (+ing) --------------> Being + V3
Shall/Will --------------> Shall/Will + be
Trick 7: Passive Voice Sentence Format
Object + HV + V3 + by + Subject
Trick 8: Do not की जगह Not to का इस्तेमाल करें|
Trick 9: Special format of the Tense in both AV and PV.
A.V. ----> Get Someone/Have Someone + to + V1 + Noun
P.V. ----> Have/Get + Noun + V3
Another Basic Tricks:
- Known के साथ हमेशा to का use होगा |
- Not हमेशा 3rd position पर आता है किन्तु W, H के Case में 4th Position पर आएगा |
- Modal Verb के साथ हमेशा V1 का इस्तेमाल होगा|
Follow these above tricks and I am 100% sure that you will solve 90% questions from these tricks.
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