March 6, 2024

Important Indian Library Committees and Commissions: Est. and Chairman

  • University Education Commission - 1948 - Dr. S. Radhakrishanan
  • National Central Library Committee - 1948 - Dr. S R Ranganathan
  • Library Committee - 1957 - Dr. S R Ranganathan
  • Advisory Committee/ Sinha Committee - 1957 - Dr. K P Sinha [Report Submitted in 1959]
  • Work Flow Seminar - 1959 - Dr. C D Deshmukh
  • Review Committee - 1961 - Dr. S R Ranganathan
  • Education Commission - 1964 - Prof. D S Kothari
  • Working group on delivery - 1964
  • Mehrotra Committee - 1983 - R C Mehrotra
  • NAPLIS - 1985/86 - D P Chatopadhyay
  • Committee on NNSUL (National Network System for University Library) - 1988 - Yashpal
  • Curriculam Development Committee on LIS - 1990 - Prof. P N Kaula
  • UGC MOdal Curriculam : LIS - 2001 - Dr. C R Karisiddappa
  • NKC - 2005
  • NML - 2012

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