June 25, 2024

Ancient Libraries, Writings, Books-Author, Places, Terminologies Related to Library Science Set 1

Ancient Libraries, Writings, Books-Author, Places, Terminologies Related to Library Science are mentioned below:

One Liner and Matching Questions

(A) Ancient Writings and Related Libraries:

Gilgemesh Epic ----------------> Babylonian Story of Flood

Code of Hammurabi ----------> Lourve Museaum, Paris

Illiad ---------------------------> Homer

Behistun Inscription ----------> Persian, Babylonian, Elamite at Iran

Rossetta Stone ---------------> Hieroglyphics, Demotic, Greek in Egypt

Library at Thebes ------------> Rameses-II

Cuneiform --------------------> Style of Writings used by Summerians

Ninev Library -----------------> King Ashurbanipal

Papyrus -----------------------> Egyptian Writing Material

Clay Tablets ------------------> Summerians

Stylus ------------------------> Instrument of Writings

Alexendria Library -----------> Egypt

Library at Bidar --------------> Mohammad Gawan

Prisse Papyrus ---------------> Oldest Book of Egyptians, Sayings of Ptahhotep

Palm Leaf --------------------> Indian writing Material

(B) Indian Books and Authors:

Information Science: Principles and Practice ----------------> S K Bose

Physical Bibliography for Librarians --------------------------> S R Ranganathan

Development of Libraries in India ----------------------------> S K Mookerjee

Library and Society --------------------------------------------> J K Khanna

Reference Service ---------------------------------------------> Krishna Kumar

Indian Library Chronology ------------------------------------> P S G Kumar

Indian Reference Sources -------------------------------------> J S Sharma

India's National Library ----------------------------------------> B S Keshavan

Documentation and Information ------------------------------> B Guha

Library Classification: Evolution of a Dynamic Theory -------> R S Parkhi

(C) Foreign Books and Authors:

Librarian's Glossary ---------------------------------------------> Harrod

Subject Approach to Information ------------------------------> A C Fosket

Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science -------------> Allen Kent

Handbook of Special Libraries and Information Centres ------> Ashworth

Manual of Library Classification --------------------------------> W C B Sayers

Classification and Indexing in Humanities ---------------------> D W Langridge

Cataloguing: A guide to AACR2 ---------------------------------> F J Hunter

The end of Libraries ---------------------------------------------> J Thompson

An Introduction to Computer-based Information Systems ----> L A Tedd

Library Administration and Management -----------------------> P Thorton

Libraries of the Future -------------------------------------------> J C Licklider

(D) Periodicals and Plces of Publications:

Herald of Library Science -------------------------> Varanasi

Lucknow Librarian ---------------------------------> Lucknow

Annals of Library Science & Documentation -----> New Delhi

IASLIC Bulletin ------------------------------------> Culcutta

SRELS Journal of Information Studies -----------> Bangalore

(E) Ancient Terminology and Descriptions:

Corrigenda --------> A printed list of Corrections of errors in the text of a book

Transliteration -----> Methods of rewriting with definitions

Bibliotherapy ------> Reading books as therapy

Bibliphile ----------> In rare and out of common books

End paper ---------> Two sheets of papers pasted inside both covers of a book

Prelims ------------> Preliminary parts of a book

Glossary ----------> List of words with meaning

Legend ------------> A descriptive title printed below as illustration

Addenda ----------> Corrections and Additions

Polyglot -----------> Multilingual



MCQ in Library and Information Science.-Asundi(AY);NA Prakashan.-Banglore:2003

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