June 19, 2024

Haryana - LIS Syllabus || Group 18

Here we explain the Library Science Syllabus for "Haryana CET Group-18". So check the syllabus below:

(Level- Graduate+ Diploma in Library Science) 

1) General awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, History including Haryana-related history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc.------------------------------- (Weightage 20%) 

2) Computer terminology, Fundamentals, word software, excel software, Power point, internet, web browsing, Communication, emails, downloading and uploading data on websites etc. ------------------------ (Weightage 10%) 

3) Subject-related syllabus------------------------------ (Weightage 70%) 



  • Concept of Library in Society 
  • Social and historical foundations of the library 
  • Development of libraries with special reference to India  
  • Different types of libraries - their distinguishing features and functions, 
  • Normative Principles of Library and Information Science 
  • Five Laws of Library Science and their Implications on Library and Information Activities, 
  • Laws relating to Libraries and Information Centres 
  • Library Legislation in India: Need and Essential Features  
  • Copyright Act and Delivery of Books (Public Libraries) Act 
  • Librarianship as a Profession 
  • Professional ethics, Professional Association, Public Relations, Extension Activities and Resource Sharing 
  • Professional Associations and their role with particular reference to ILA, IASLIC, IFLA and UNESCO 
  • Definition: Facets and programmes of PR and Extension Services 
  • Resource Sharing and Library Networking. 


Library Classification Theory  

I - Library Classification: 
  • Definition, Need and Purpose  
  • Subjects: Basic, Compound and Complex  
  • Modes of Formation of Subjects  
  • Planes of Work 
  • Notation: Need, Type and Quality, Library Classification Theory 

II - Species of Classification Schemes - 
  • Overview of Colon Classification: Postulates of Facet Analysis and Facet Sequence, Fundamental Categories, Principles of Helpful Sequence and Facet Sequence, Phase Relations, Devices 
  • Call Number: Class Number, Book Number and Collection Number, Classification Schemes & Current Trends 
  • Overview of Colon Classification. 
  • Main features of latest editions of DDC and UDC.  
  • Current Trends: Web Dewey, OCLC Classify and Folksonomy, Colon Classification, Dewey Decimal Classification. 


  • Reference and Information Sources 
  • Documentary Sources of Information: Print, Non-print and Electronic Resources. 
  • Categories: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources. 
  • Human and Institutional: Nature, Types, Characteristics and Utility. 
  • Internet as a Source of Information, Types and Evaluation of Reference Sources  
  • Different types of Reference Books and Criteria for Evaluation of Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Geographical Sources, Biographical Sources, Reference Sources for Current Events and Ready Reference Sources, Bibliographical Sources 
  • Bibliographies: Functions, types and Branches. Uses and Criteria for Evaluation of National Bibliography, Trade Bibliography, Subject Bibliography, Indexing and Abstracting Sources. 


  • Information Systems: Definitions, Types and Overview  
  • Services and Products of Information Systems: AGRIS, INIS, ENVIS, BTIS and MEDLARS, 
  • Library and Information Networks - Definitions, types and overview of Information Networks. 
  • Description of Library and Information Networks: INFLIBNET, DELNET, CALIBNET, NICNET, MALIBNET. 


  • Concept, Types and Importance of Information Literacy 
  • Information Literacy: Concept, Definition, Need and Importance  
  • Types of Information Literacy
  • Technology Literacy, Media Literacy, Computer Literacy & Digital Literacy  
  • Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, Information Literacy competencies 
  • Information Literacy: Initiatives and Forums in India, Information Literacy Courses and Implementation, 
  • Role of libraries in Information Literacy: School, College and University Libraries, Public Libraries, Special Libraries, 
  • Information Literacy Instruction Methods 
  • Library Induction - Lecture, Demonstration, Practical, Assignments Information 
  • Literacy Products: Library Brochure, Web-based Access Instruction. 


  • Community Information Services (CIS): Definition, Need, Features and Objectives. 
  • Libraries as Community Information Centres and their role in Social Development, User Groups and their information needs
Information needs and Information Services: 
  • Rural Community
  • Urban Community
  • Women Empowerment 
  • Weaker Sections of Society. 


  • Library Environment 
  • Organisation, Management and Administration: A Conceptual Framework.  
  • Library Organisational Structure, Ranganathan's Staff Formula 
  • Library Committee: Types, functions and powers, 
  • Library Finance and Budgeting 
  • Sources of Finance. 
  • Methods of Estimating Library Finance. 
  • Budget Preparation for different types of Libraries. 
  • General Administration: Annual Report, Library Statistics, Library Rules, Sections of the Library 
  • Book Selection and Procurement: Principles, Policy, Committee, Tools and Procedure.
  • Technical Processing Section. 
  • Periodicals Section. 
  • Circulation Section. 
  • Reference Section, 
  • Maintenance, Building and Space Management 
  • Maintenance Section: Stacking, Shelving, Shelf Rectification, Stock Verification, Binding etc. 
  • Basic elements in designing library building. 
  • Furniture and Equipment. 


  • Information Users and Their Information Needs 
  • Conceptual Definitions of Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. 
  • Information: Types and Characteristics. 
  • Categories of Information Users and their Characteristics.
  • Information Need and Seeking Behaviour: Concept and Models. 
  • User Studies: Need, Objectives, Plan and Methods. 
  • User Education: Concept, Need and Methods, Information Services
I - Information Services: An overview. 
  • Reference Service: Definition, Need, Types and Functions. 
  • Reference Process: Reference Question; Reference Interview. 
  • Referral Service 
  • Document Delivery Service 
  • Translation Services, 
  • Information Services
II - Current Awareness type of Service (CAS). 
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI). 
  • Press Clipping Service. 
  • Indexing & Abstracting Service, 
  • Web-based or Internet-based Service. 


  • Computer Hardware
  • The Evolution of Computers. 
  • Characteristics of Computers. 
  • Classification of Computers: Super Computer, Mainframe Computer, Mini Computer and Micro Computer. 
  • Digital vs. Analog Computers 
  • Computer Architecture: Input Devices, Output Devices, Central Processing Unit.
  • Memory (Auxiliary), Computer Software
  • System and Application Software
  • Operating Systems: Single and Multiuser.
  • Basics Features of MS Windows and Linux.
  • application Software: Concept and Types
  • Communication Technology (Networking)
  • Communication: An Overview
  • Networks: Concept and Components
  • Network Media: Wire and Wireless
  • Network Types: PAN, LAN, MAN and WAN.
  • Topologies: Bus, Star, Ring, Token Ring, Tree and Mesh
  • MS WORD: Standard Toolbars, creating a Document, editing a Document, formatting a Document, Maintaining Mailing List.
  • MS POWER POINT: Creating Presentation Slides, Formatting/ Adding Graphics. Animation and Slide Transition, Slide Show, Customizing and Printing, Basic Web Searching
  • E-mail


  • Bibliographic Description 
  • Catalogue – Definition, Need and Purpose, 
  • Types of Library Catalogue. 
  • Physical Forms: Conventional and Non-conventional, 
  • Kinds of Entries and their functioning according to CCC and AACR-II, 
  • Subject Cataloguing - Definition, Need, Purpose and Problems of Subject Cataloguing, Methods of Subject Cataloguing. 
  • Chain Procedure and Sears List of Subject Headings. 
  • The latest trends are in library cataloguing, sections, and Skeleton Card of Main and Added entries.  
  • Basic features, Personal Author(s), Shared Authorship, Collaborator (s).  
  • Cataloguing of Pseudonym Work. 
  • Cataloguing of Multivolume documents.  
  • Cataloguing of Periodical Publications (Simple Periodical Publications). 


  • Basic Concept - Definition, scope & objectives 
  • Components: Mobile Library, Cluster Library, Classroom Library, Centralized school library, School Community Library 
  • Role of School Libraries in Elementary and Secondary Education, 
  • Information Sources and Collection Development 
  • Information sources for children: Illustrated books, Reference books, Newspapers and magazines, Audio-video collection, Digital resources.
  • Promotion of reading habits among children, 
  • Initiatives for School Libraries
  • Recommendations of Commissions and Committees on School Library Development
  • Guidelines of Educational Boards and National Bodies for School Libraries.  
  • Role of School Librarian  
  • Role of Professional Associations. 


  • Electronic Resources - Concept, Need, Characteristics, Benefits and Drawbacks. 
  • E-Resource Life Cycle. 
  • Types of e-resources, Collection Development 
  • Collection Building Process: Formulating policy, Budgeting, and Evaluation of e-resources.
  • Subscription Models: Licenses and Negotiation. 
  • Consortia: Concept, Need, Purpose & Limitations; 
  • E- shod Sindhu.

Note: The Weightage mentioned against the syllabus is tentative & may vary.




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