July 29, 2024

Mode of Formation of Subject: Example Solutions

All Subject formations related details in "Mode of Formation of Subject with Example Solutions" topic covered only the important details which was seen in the all Library Science Exams.


  • Surface Science - Clustering
  • Book Science - Distillation
  • Educamatry - Fusion
  • Geography and Plity - Loose Assemblage
  • Defense Science - Clustering
  • Anatomy of Human Body - Lamination
  • Space Science - Clustering
  • Sociolinquists - Fusion
  • Information Science - Distillation
  • Ocean Science - Clustering
  • Statistics of Librarians - Loose Assemblage
  • Geophysics - Fusion
  • Sinology - Clustering
  • Geometrical Mathematics - Lamination
  • Natural Science - Fission Agglomeration
  • Indology - Clustering
  • Econometrics - Fusion
  • Library Science - Distillation
  • Aggriculture of Corn/Wheat - Lamination
  • चीनी विद्या - Clustering
  • Useful Arts - Fission
  • Oceanology - Clustering
  • Humanities - Fission / Agglomeration
  • Research Methodology - Distillation
  • Social Science - Fission / Clustering
  • Management - Distillation
  • प्याज का छीलना - Denudation
  • Anesthesiology - Distillation
  • Area Study - Clustering
  • Asia to Jaipur Travel - Denudation
  • Conference Technique - Distillation
  • Gandhiana - Clustering
  • Seven Continents - Dissection
  • International Relation - Distillation
  • Nehruiana - Clustering
  • Light, Matter, Heat are parts of Physics - Dissection
  • Ergonomics - Distillation
  • Soil Science - Clustering
  • Forestry - Distillation
  • Psychology and Sociology - Agglomeration
  • Statistical Calculus - Distillation
  • Treatment of disease of plant - Lamination
  • Operation Research - Distillation
  • Astrochemistry - Fusion
  • General relation between Political Science and Economics - Loose Assemblage
  • Information Theory - Distillation
  • Influence of Budhism on Christianity - Loose Assemblage
  • Cybernetics - Distillation
  • Biochemistry - Fusion
  • Microbiology - Distillation
  • Astrophysics - Fusion
  • Management of University Library - Distillation
  • Biolinguists - Fusion
  • Metrology - Distillation
  • Biophysics - Fusion
  • Indian Music - Clustering

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