October 10, 2024

Most Important Computer MCQ's - Part 2

UGC NET - ICT - LIS based Questions

Famous Terms Coined  by

  • HTTP – Timothy John Berners Lee (Tim Berners Lee)
  • HTML – Timothy John Berners Lee (Tim Berners Lee)
  • RDF – Timothy John Berners Lee (Tim Berners Lee)
  • Information Superhighway – Nam June Paik
  • Wiki – Howard G. Cunningham [1995]
  • Folksonomy – Thomas Vander Wall
  • Virtual Library Term - Timothy John Berners Lee (Tim Berners Lee) [1991]
  • Internet of Things (IoT) – Kevin Ashton [1999]
  • PASCAL Programming Language – Niklaus Wirth [1970]
  • JAVA Programming Language – James Gosling [1995]
  • C Programming Language – Dennis Ritchie
  • C++ Programming Language – Bjarne Stroustrup [1985]
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) designed by – David P. Reed
  • Dogpile Metasearch Engine – Aaron Flin [1996]
  • Baidu local search engine – Robin Li
  • Hypertext – Ted Nelson [1963]
  • Hypermedia – Ted Nelson [1965]
  • Wi-Fi – Vic Hayess {802.11 Standard}
  • Artificial Intelligence – John McCarthy [1956]
  • LISP Programming Language – John McCarthy
  • Yahoo Search Engine – Jerry Yang and David Fillo [1994]
  • Google Search Engine – Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Scott Hassan
  • Cookie – Lou Montulli
  • Memex – Vennevar Bush [1945]
  • FTP was written by – Abhay Bhushan
  • Visual Basic – Microsoft Corporation [1991]
  • Open Source – Christine Peterson
  • Gmail Services – Paul Buchheit
  • Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol – Eric Rescorla and Allan M. Schiffman
  • OSI Model – International Standard Organization
  • Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) – Harald Haas

Direct Year Base Questions


  • Google Earth first Released in – 2001
  • Ubuntu first released in – 2004
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI) always starts with the digits – 10
  • BABYLON is computer software for – Translation
  • BABYLON program developed by – Babylon Software Ltd. (By Israil Company)
  • First Indian Supercomputer – Vijay P. Bhatkar {PARAM 8000 [1991]}
  • Yahoo Search Engine was developed at – Standford University
  • Google Search Engine was developed in – 1997
  • Google Goggles was developed in – 2009
  • Google Lens was developed in – 2017
  • GMAIL services were launched in the year – 2004
  • Team Viewer is a – Remote Login Software
  • WiMAX standard name – IEEE 802.16
  • URN – Uniform Resource Identifier
  • PDA – Personal Digital Assistance

  • POP – Post Office Protocol {Latest Version POP3}
  • Baidu is a local search engine in – China [2000]

September 22, 2024

Famous International Waterfall

Waterfall एक अंग्रेजी भाषा का शब्द है जिसे हिंदी में जल प्रपात और उर्दू में झरना कहा जाता है | 

जब किसी पहाड़ी से पानी गिरता है तो उसे जल प्रपात कहते हैं |

1. दुनिया का सबसे ऊँचा जल प्रपात 

  • एंजिल जल प्रपात
  • वेनेजुएला (दक्षिण अमेरिका) देश में स्थित है 
  • कोरोना नदी पर
  • यह कोरोनिको की सहायक नदी है |
  • इसकी जलधारा बिना रुके बहती है |
  • ऊंचाई लगभग 979 मीटर और गहराई 807 मीटर हैं। 
  • यह राष्ट्रीय उद्यान कैनाईमा नेशनल पार्क में स्थित है।

2. दुनिया का सबसे चौड़ा जल प्रपात 

  • नियाग्रा जल प्रपात 
  • सेंट लोरेंस नदी पर 
  • अमेरिका में (वास्तव में यह USA और कनाडा की सीमा पर है )
  • इसे जल प्रपातों का राजा भी कहा जाता है |
  • यह 3 झरनों (Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls) का मिलन हैं |
  • ऊंचाई 167 फीट(53.6 मीटर ) है। 
  • यह नॉर्थ अमरीका का सबसे शक्तिशाली वाटरफॉल है।

अन्य जल प्रपात:

  • विक्टोरिया जल प्रपात - जाम्बेजी नदी (जिम्बाबे देश में) पर है - 108 मीटर
  • स्टेनली जलप्रपात  - कांगो नदी पर है।
  • योसेमाईट - कैलिफोर्निया - 739 मीटर 
  • द. मार्डाल्फोसेन - नॉर्बे  - 655 मीटर
  • तुगेला - दक्षिणी अफ्रीका - 614 मीटर
  • कुकबेनन - वेनेजुएला
  • सुथारलैंड - न्यूजीलैंड  - 580 मीटर
  • रिब्बोन - कैलिफोर्निया  - 491 मीटर
  • ग्रेट कमारन - गुयाना  - 488 मीटर
  • डेल्ला  - कनाडा - 440 मीटर
  • गबार्नी - फ्रांस - 422 मीटर
  • जोग (गरसोप्पा) जलप्रपात - शरावती हिंदी पर स्थित है (महात्मा गांधी जलप्रपात भी कहते हैं।) भारत - 255 मीटर

September 13, 2024

Sports and Their Parameters

Sports Ground Parameters: 

  • Kho-Kho - 29 * 16 m
  • Kabaddi - 12.5 * 10 m
  • Badminton (Single) - 44 * 17 Feet
  • Badminton (Double) - 44 * 20 Feet

  • Ragbi Football - 110 * 75 Yard
  • Baseball - Each base of 90 Feet and Diagonally 127 feet
  • Basketball - 28 * 15 m
  • Volleyball - 18 * 9 m
  • Football - 110 * 80 Yard
  • Hockey - 100 * 60 or 65 Yard 

  • Table Tennis - 9 * 5 feet, Height=2.5 Feet
  • Lawn Tennis (Single) - 78 * 27 feet
  • Lawn Tennis (Double) - 78 * 36 feet

  • Water Pollo - 30 * 20 Yard
  • Pollo - 300 * 160 Yard
  • Boxing Ring - 16 *25 Feet
  • Derbi Horse Riding - 1.5 Mill Path or 2.4 KM
  • Billiard - 11 * 5 feet, Height=3 Feet

  • Marathon Race - Distance 26 Mill 385 Yard or 42.195 KM

Sports Equipment Parameters:

  • Pitch Length = 22 Yard or 20.12 m
  • Bat Length = 96.5 cm or 38-inch
  • Bat Breadth = 10.8 cm or 4.5-inch
  • Ball Weight = 5.5 to 5.75 Ounce
  • Stamp Height = 28-inch from earth
  • Goal post Height = 8 feet or 2.44 m
  • Goal post breadth = 24 feet or 7.32 m
  • Ball Circumference = 27-inch to 28-inch
  • Weight of Ball = 5.5 to 5.75 Ounce
  • Goal post Height = 7 feet or 2.13 m
  • Goal post breadth = 4 Yard or 3.66 m
  • Ball Circumference = 8.81-inch to 9.25-inch or 22.4 to 23.5 cm
  • Ball Circumference = 66 cm
  • Ball Weight = 270 Gram
  • Net Height from Earth = 1.59 m
Lawn Tennis:
  • Ball Diameter = 6.35 to 6.67 cm
  • Ball Weight = 56.7 to 58.5 Gram
Table Tennis: 
  • Ball Diameter = 37.2 to 38.2 mm
  • Ball Weight = 2.7 Gram
  • Hole Diameter = 4.50-inch
  • Ball Weight = 1.5 Ounce

Library Terms Related to Person and Institutions

 In this section below are the term concerned with Person or Institutions:

Concerned with Persons:

  • सन्दर्भ सेवा (Refernce Service) - सैमुअल स्वेट ग्रीन
  • त्रिमूर्ति की अवधारणा - एस. आर . रंगनाथन 
  • प्रलेखों को चार भौतिक श्रेणियों में विभाजन - एस. आर . रंगनाथन 
  • प्रलेखों को सूचना विशेषताओं में विभाजन - हेन्सन व ग्रोगन
  • चयनित सूचना प्रसार सेवा - हेन्स पीटर लुहान
  • मांग एवं आपूर्ति का सिद्धांत - L  R  McColvin
  • कंप्यूटर आधारित सूचना प्रसार सेवा - हेन्स पीटर लुहान (H P Luhan)
  • शब्दकोश सूची के नियम - C A Cutter
  • Invisible College का प्रयोग - Derek Solla Price
  • AACR-2R के रिविसन से सम्बंधित - सुश्री मार्गरेट मन
  • पत्रक सूची - Abbi Rosier
  • प्रेसिस इंडेक्सिंग (PRECIS Indexing) पद्दति विकसित की - डेरेक ऑस्टिन
  • Notation As a ShortHand Sign - E C Richardson
  • Reference Service की अवधारणा - Samual S Green
  • UNITERM Indexing - Martimer Tube (1953)
  • Hierarchy of Need Theory - A. Maslaw
  • Theory X & Y - D. McGreger
  • Hygiene & Development Theory - F. Hertzberg
  • Self-Determination Theory - E. Deci and R. Ryan
  • Prenatal Cataloguing - S R Ranganathan 
  • Subject Classification - J D Brown (1906)
  • Mathematical Theory of Communication - Shenon & Weaver
  • Information Seeking Behaviour - Kuhalthau Modal
  • Expensive Classification - C A Cutter
  • Cloud Computing - Eric Schinidt
  • First Classification - Eric Richardson
  • Information Transfer - Beesman
  • Eight Central Value - Gorman 
  • Bibliometrics - Alen Pritchard
  • Initiation of Reader - S R Ranganathan 
  • ISBN - Gordon Foster
  • POPSI - गणेश भट्टाचार्य 
  • KWIC - H P लुहान
  • Documentation - Paul Outlet
  • 12 Rules for Relational Database Principle - Edgar F Codd
  • Business Process Management - Michael Porter
  • Law of Scattering - S C Bradford
  • Bibliographic Coupling -M M Kessler
  • Collection Development Principle - S R Ranganathan 
  • Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger
  • Seven Lamp of Professional Ethics - R L Mittal
  • Open Access System का श्रेय - W A Borden
  • Seven Steps of Planning - Henry Fayol
  • Library User Education - P Knapp
  • Decimal Fraction Notation - Melvil Dewey
  • Citation Index System - Eugine Garfield
  • अधुनिक थिसौरस - Peter Mark Roget / Helen Brownson (1957)
  • Dorking Conference on Classification - Helen Brownson (1957)
  • Reference Service (Minimum, Middling, Maximum) - Samual Rodhstein
  • Conservation, Moderate & Liberal - James I Wyer
  • NOOK - Barnes and Noble [The Barnes & Noble Nook (styled nook or NOOK) is a brand of e-readers developed by American book retailer Barnes & Noble, based on the Android platform.]
  • Project Gutenberg Started by - Michael S. Hart
  • Venn Diagram - John Venn
  • Brown Charging System - Ms. Nine E. Brown
  • Newark Charging System - John Cotton Dana
  • UAP - Maurice B. Line
  • AACR - Seymour Lubertzky

Concerned with Institutions:

  • IndCat - INFLIBNET
  • Question Point - OCLC
  • WotrldShare - OCLC
  • CatExpress - OCLC
  • FirstSearch - OCLC
  • COMPASS (Computer Aided Subject System) - BNB
  • BIBFRAME - Library of Congress

Library Science Terms and Propounded and Father

 In this article, we are discussing the Library Science Related Terms and their providers which share their contribution to Library Science.

Topics Covered: Father of the Terms, Term Related to, etc.

प्रसिद्ध पद के जनक (Famous Terms Propounder):

  • वैज्ञानिक प्रबंध स्कूल के जनक  - एफ. डब्लू. टेलर
  • ब्रिटिश पुस्तकालयों में OAS (Open Access System) के जन्मदाता - J  D Brown
  • भारत के पुस्तकालयों में OAS (Open Access System) के जन्मदाता - W A बोर्डेन
  • प्रबंधन के शास्त्रीय विज्ञान (Classical Theory of Management) के जनक - हेनरी फेयोल
  • Father of Modern Management - हेनरी फेयोल
  • शास्त्रीय विद्यालय (Classical School) के पिता - हेनरी फेयोल
  • प्रबंधन के तत्वों को  सूत्रबद्ध किया -  हेनरी फेयोल
  • ग्रन्थसूची का पिता - Conrad Gesner
  • भारत में पुस्तकालय विज्ञानं के जनक - एस. आर . रंगनाथन 
  • अमेरिका (USA) में पुस्तकालय विज्ञानं के जनक - मेल्विल डेवी
  • भारत में पुस्तकालय आन्दोलन के जनक - सियाजिराव गायकवाड- III
  • भारत में पुस्तकालय आन्दोलन के वास्तुकार - Iyyanki Venkata Rmanayya
  • भारत में पुस्तकालय विज्ञान शिक्षा के जनक - W A बोर्डेन (1910 में बड़ोदा नरेश सियाजिराव गायकवाड- III ने इनको भारत बुलाया और 1911 में शुरुआत हुई) 
  • भारत में INB के जनक -  B S केशवन
  • पुस्तकालय विज्ञान शब्द का प्रथम व्यापक प्रयोग (विषय के रूप में) - एस. आर . रंगनाथन
  • पुस्तकालय विज्ञान शब्द का प्रथम प्रयोग (शब्द के रूप में) - श्रेतिन्गेर
  • ILA के जनक - A C बोलनर व M O थॉमस
  • पुस्तकालय शिक्षा हेतु पहला संसथान स्थापित किया - मेल्विल डेवी ने
  • आधुनिक पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण का जनक - मेल्विल डेवी ने
  • भारतीय प्रेस का मुक्तिदात  - चार्ल्स मेटकॉफ
  • भारत में प्रथम पुस्तकालय विधायन हेतु उत्तरदायी - एस. आर . रंगनाथन
  • वैज्ञानिक प्रबंधन का पिता - F W Taylor
  • Father of Management Theory - Peter F Drucker
  • वर्गीकरण का पिता - अरस्तु
  • विश्व स्तर पर 'Father of Bibliography' - कॉनरेड गेस्नर
  • Father of Information Science - Claude Elwood Shannon
  • पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण का प्रथम व्याकरणविद्द - W C B Seyars
  • Father of Polychotomy - C A Cutter
  • Father of Decachotomy - Melvil Dewey
  • Father of Dichotomy (Binary Classification) - Immuneul Kant
  • Father of Analytico Synthetic Scheme - एस. आर . रंगनाथन
  • Propounder of HyperText Word - टेड नेल्सन
  • भारत में पुस्तकालय शिक्षा आरम्भ करने वाला प्रथम पुस्तकालय संघ - Andhra Desha Association
  • Father (Inventor) of eBooks - Michael S. Hart

Famous Terms Concerned with:

  • ई-पाठशाला - INFLIBNET
  • APUPA - वर्गीकरण
  • टिपण्णी अनुभाग - ISBN
  • आगम / निगम में - RFID
  • पुस्तकालय हस्तलिपि - CCC
  • ISSN (पत्रिका हेतु) निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए - NISCAIR
  • FRBR Modal - IFLA
  • User Profile - SDI
  • Real Time Access - OPAC
  • Cataloguing Standard - RDA
  • Classification System - BSO (Broad System of Ordering)
  • Subject Headings - Chain Index
  • Indian Science Abstract - NISCAIR
  • Ask Library Anything - ALA
  • Universal Bibliography Control System - IFLA

September 6, 2024

Library Related Famous Statements

Here we are discussing the library-related famous Statements given by famous personalities.

Famous Personality Statements

  • The best reading for the largest number at least cost - Melvil Dewey (1879)
  • The main purpose of book selection is to provide the right book to the right reader at the right time - Francis Drury (1930)
  • Reference Service is the contact between the right reader and the right book at the right time and in the right personal way - S R Ranganathan (- Reference Service)
  • Notation is a shorthand sign - E C Richardson
  • Demand and Supply Theory - McColvin (1925)
  • Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect - Harold Lasswell (1940) [5W Model]
  • Each village should have libraries like we have tanks and wells - Chilkamarti Lakshmi Narshimhan
  • Father of Library Science in India....S R Ranganathan - Maurice Gwyer
  • Prince among the Librarian....S R Ranganathan - Maurice Gwyer
  • God had chosen me as an instrument, the honour done to me should act as an incentive to the younger generation to devote their lives wholeheartedly to library science and service - S R Ranganathan
  • The Students were the body of the university, the administration was of course the head the teachers were the soul and the library, the heart - C D Deshmukh
  • If you want to be a reference librarian, you must learn to overcome not only your shyness but also the shyness of others - S R Ranganathan
  • The library is a people’s university - Sayajirao Gaekwad - III
  • The Public Library should be established under the clear mandate of law - The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1972
  • The public library is the responsibility of local and national authorities. It must be supported by specific legislation and financed by national and local governments, It has to be an essential component of any long-term strategy for culture, information provision, literacy and education - The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1972
  • A search strategy is the mirror in the dark - Kartz
  • Ranganathan is to library science what Einstein is to physics - Eugene Garfield
  • Information is both Product and Process - J Martin
  • Library as a living system, takes a new matter, casts off old matter, changes in size and takes new shapes and term (एक जीवित व्यवस्था के रूप में लाइब्रेरी "एक नया विषय लेता है, पुराने पदार्थ को बंद कर देता है, आकार में परिवर्तन करता है और नए आकार और शब्द लेता है ) - S R Ranganathan
  • Information is more powerful than physical technology and its form I an invisible link that binds a society together - William E Halal
  • Wherever telescoping of the array is done, the canon of Hierarchy is violated. This violation is deliberately done to satisfy the Law of Parsimony - S R Ranganathan
  • Re-ordering Ranganathan: Shifting user behaviours, shifting priorities - Connaway and Faniel
  • User education as instruction given to help the users make the best use of the library - Mews
  • Librarianship is not a profession - Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron
  • Knowledge is a sum total of information conserved by civilization - S. R. Ranganathan
  • It is that exercise of power of perception and reason which enables us to assemble things in an order of likeness and to separate them according to an order of unlikeness - W. C. B. Sayers
  • Special libraries serve a specialist clientele, located within a single establishment or group and all engaged in working towards one common purpose - R. Astall
  • A Library Catalogue is “a list of documents in a library or in a collection forming a portion of it” - S. R. Ranganathan
  • Librarianship is salesmanship - S. R. Ranganathan
  • Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it - Samuel Johnson
  • A catalogue is an explanatory, logically arranged inventory and key to the books and their contents and it is confined to the books in a particular library - James Duff Brown
  • Management is the art of knowing what you want to do in the best and cheapest way - Frederick W. Taylor
  • “A library is a public institution or establishment charged with the care of collection of books and the duty of making them accessible to those who require to use them and the task of converting every person in its neighbourhood into a habitual library goer and reader of books.” - S. R. Ranganathan
  • Library classification is “the arrangement of books on shelves or descriptions of them, in the manner which is most useful to those who read - W. C. B. Sayers
  • Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digestedFrancis Bacon
  • Information is both a product and process - J. Martin
  •  “Library Classification is the translation of the name of the subject of a book into a preferred artificial language or ordinal numbers, and the individualization of several books dealing with the same specific subject by means of a further set of ordinal numbers which represent some features of the books other than their thought content” - S. R. Ranganathan
  • Library is a place of healing for the souls - Rameses II - Egyptian king


Other Statements related to
Commissions and Books

1. Arundell Esdaile

Bibliography is an art and also a science. “The art of recording books”; and the science “of the making of books and of their extant record”

Taken from: 'A Student's Manual of Bibliography' first published in 1931.

2. C. A. Cutter

A library catalogue is “a list of books which is arranged on some definite plan”

Taken from: ‘Rules for Dictionary Catalogue’ (1876)

3. D. S. Kothari

“No university, college or department should be set up without taking into account its library needs in terms of staff, books, journals, space etc. Nothing could be more damaging to a growing department than to neglect its library or to give it a low priority. On the contrary, the library should be an important centre of attraction on the college or university campus.”

Taken from: Kothari Commission (Education Commission) Report (1966-68)

4. Francis K.W. Drury

“To provide the right book to the right reader at the right time”

Taken from: Book Selection, Chicago: ALA, 1930

5. J. K. Rowling

“When in doubt go to the library”

Taken from: British Novelist, Best known for Harry Potter series

6. L. R. McColvin

“Books in themselves are nothing. They have no more meaning than the white paper upon which they are printed, until they are made serviceable by demand. The more closely book selection is related to demand, the greater is the resultant and possible service”

Taken from: Theory of Book Selection, 1925

7. M. C. Yovits

“Information is data of value to decision making”

Taken from: ‘Information Science as an aid to Decision Making’ (1969) / research paper by M. C. Yovits

8. Pauline Atherton

“These words stir students to think of and believe in library service above library work as their life goal”

Taken from: Quoted with reference to ‘Five Laws of Library Science’, ALA, 1980

9. S. Radhakrishnan

“Library is the heart of all the university’s work”

Taken from: Radhakrishnan Commission (University Education Commission) Report 1948-1949

10. T. S. Elliot

“Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”

Taken from: Poem ‘The Rock” (1934)


“The public library should be established under the clear mandate of law, so framed as to ensure nation-wide provision of public library service”.

Taken from: UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1972


“The public library shall in principle be free of charge. The public library is the responsibility of local and national authorities. It must be supported by specific legislation and financed by national and local governments”. 

Taken from: IFLA/ UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1994


Other Important Quotes

1. ALA Glossary of Library Terms

“Catalogue is a list of books, maps etc. arranged according to some defined plan”

2. Albert Einstein

“The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library”

3. Bertram C. Brookes

Information as ‘fragmented knowledge’ and Knowledge as ‘coherent structures of information’

4. Fritz Machlup

Information Science is cluster of many disciplines where in the central core is ‘Information’

5. John F. Mee

Management is “the art of securing maximum results with minimum efforts so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer and employee and give the public the best possible service”

6. Lawrence Appley

“Management is the accomplishment of results through the efforts of other people”

7. Margaret Mann

- “A catalogue is a record of the material in  library”

- Classification is ‘the arranging of things according to likeness and unlikeness’

8. Mary Parker Follett

“Management is the art of getting things done through people”

9. Ray Bradbury

“Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future”

10. William A. Katz

“Search strategy is the looking mirror in the dark”

11. William F. Glueck

“Management is effective utilization of human and material resources to achieve the enterprise’s objective”



Keywords: UGC NET Exam, KVS Librarian, KVS Library Science, NVS Librarian, NVS Library Science, EMRS Librarian, EMRS Library Science, RPSC Librarian, RPSC Library Science, DSSSB Librarian, DSSSB Library Science, ISRO Librarian, ISRO Library Science, College Librarian, College Library Science, SET Librarian, SET Library Science,

Who are handling the Library Associations, Networks and Libraries?

There are some special associations and libraries which are handled by the Government Departments and related question is asked in each exam.

Handled by MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource and Development)/ MOE (Ministry of Education):

    • National Library of India (1948)
    • INFLIBNET (1991)
    • SWAYAM

    Ministry of Culture, GOI:

    • Rampur Raza Library, UP
    • Khudabaksh Oriental Library, UP
    • Delhi Public Library
    • Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Delhi
    • Indian Library Association (1933)
    • Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (1972)
    • Central Reference Library, Kolkata
    • Saraswati Mahal Library, Tanjore
    • National Mission on Library
    • CONPOLIS (1985)


    • Modal Public Library Act, 1963 - Ministry of Culture
    • Modal Public Library Act, 1965 - Planning Commission
    • Modal Library Act, 1989 - ILA (Indian Library Association)


    • ISBN - Department of Higher Educatin
    • NISSAT - MInistry of Science and Technology

    September 5, 2024

    Biographies: Famous Personality

    This section covers the famous person's contributions to the Library Science field.

    1. H.E. Bliss (1870-1955)
    • Bliss was a great American librarian who devised the famous 'Bibliographic Classification' in 1935

    2. S.C Bradford (1878-1948)
    1. Bradford was known for his contribution to the field of documentation. 
    2. He was a trained chemist, born in London who later turned into a library scientist. 
    3. A good supporter of UDC. 
    4. The book Documentation written by him in 1948 was an original contribution to that field. 
    5. He propounded the Bradford Law of Scatter regarding the appearance of articles on one subject in different periodicals.

    3. J.D Brown (1862-1914)
    1. An eminent British librarian who led the public library movement of Britain in the last part of the 19th Century. 
    2. He was the first librarian that introduce the open access system in the public libraries of Great Britain. 
    3. He founded the journal 'Library World' in 1898 which is still serving the profession. 
    4. The Manual of Library Economy (1903) and his 'Subject Classification' scheme (1906) are his everlasting contributions to the field of library science.

    4. Seymour Lubetzky (1825-1908)
    1. Lubetzky was one of the greatest theoreticians of library cataloguing. 
    2. Born in Russia, he went to the USA in 1927 to study at the University of California. 
    3. At the request of ALA, he prepared a report analysing the ALA Catalogue Code in 1949 which was later published as Cataloguing Rules and Principles" (1953). 
    4. This book was acclaimed as one of the classics of library literature that questioned the traditional practice of cataloguing  and paved the way for future cataloguing code (ie. AACR).

    5. Jack Mills (1918 – 9 July 2010)
    1. Jack Mills is a renowned library scientist from the UK who is also a great teacher of library science. 
    2. He is the founder member and chairman of the World's first Classification Research Group (CRG) in London. 
    3. At Present he is engaged in revising and editing the 2nd ed. of Bibliographic (BC 2) of Bliss.
    4. He worked in the study, teaching, development and promotion of library classification and information retrieval, principally as a major figure in the British school of facet analysis which builds on the traditions of Henry E. Bliss and S.R. Ranganathan.

    6. Paul Otlet (1868-1944)
    1. A great name in the world of documentalists. 
    2. One of the greatest pioneers of international organisation and Documentation belonging to Belgium. 
    3. His ambitious Mundaneum project attempted to create a universal repository of all the world's recorded knowledge.
    4. He worked for the establishment of FID in the form of the International Institute of Bibliography. 
    5. One of the initiators of UDC convened the International Congress of Bibliography and Documentation in 1908. 
    6. His Book "Traits de Documentation" was published 1934.

    7. Panizzi, Anthony (1797-1879)
    1. An Italian patriot who fled his country and took asylum in England in 1821. 
    2. For some time he worked as a Professor of Italian at the University College of London. 
    3. Later he joined the British Museum as keeper of printed books and rose to the position of its chief librarian in 1856. 
    4. He developed the British Museum into a national library of England through the enforcement of the Legal Deposit Act and was also responsible for the design of the famous round-shaped reading room of the British Museum. 
    5. The 91 cataloguing rules framed by him are an everlasting contribution to the profession

    8. Fremont Rider (1885-1962)
    1. He devised Rider's International Classification for the arrangement of books on the shelves of general libraries, a purely enumerative scheme of classification in 1961. 
    2. A writer, editor and publisher of many books on library science. 
    3. He worked as a University librarian and for some time was an associate of Melvil Dewey. 
    4. He was known for his Book "Melvil Dewey: A Biography" 1944 (ALA)

    9. W.C. Berwick Sayers (1881-1960)
    1. He was a great librarian and an eminent teacher of library classification. 
    2. Most of the prominent librarians and leaders in the library profession, in the first half of the 20th century all over the world, were his students only. 
    3. Worked as chief librarian of the Croydon Public libraries for many years. 
    4. His 'Manual of Classification' is a classic to be treasured by the profession forever.

    10. Mortimer Taube (1910-1965)
    1. Taube was an American information scientist, innovator, scholar and businessman, all in one. 
    2. In 1952 he founded the Documentation Incorporation, the first information corporation in the world. 
    3. This corporation undertook many innovative studies and pioneered in the field of information facilities management. 
    4. He was specially known for his work on co-ordinate indexing using "Uniterms" which later formed the basis for computerized search strategy. 
    5. His books include Studies in Co-ordinate indexing, Computers and Commonsense and The Myth of Thinking Machines.

    1. https://www.drlibsc.com/2016/01/pioneers-of-library-and-information.html
    2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Mills_(classification_researcher)

    September 4, 2024

    Library Science Related Books & Publishers

     In this article we are discussing about the famous Books and its Publishers/Writter/Author:

    • Books in Print - R R Bowker
    • Worlds of Learning - Europa Publications, London
    • Principle of Industrial Management - F W Taylor (1911)
    • National Library of India: A Critical Study - P N Kaula
    • Little Science Big Science - Derek Solla Price
    • Penny Rate - W A Munford
    • Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science - Allen Kent & Lancour
    • Principles of Book Classification -  E W Hulme (W)
    • Classification, Theoritical & Practical - E C Richardson (W)
    • Introduction to Cataloguing and Classification of Books - Margret Mann (W)
    • Future Shock & Power Shift - Alvin Toffler
    • Poole's Index to Periodical Literature - William Frederick
    • Manual of Library Economy - J D Brown (1903)
    • Subject Classification - J D Brown (1906)
    • Gunnine Brown Scheme - J D Brown (1894)
    • Adjustable Classification - J D Brown (1897)
    • Public Library Success - F C Minaker
    • Becoming - मिसेल ओबामा
    • Statemens YearBook 2017 - पाल्ग्रावे मैकमिलन, UK
    • Library Buildings: Planning and Design - P N Kaula
    • Rules for a Dictionary Cataloguing - Charles Ammy Cutter
    • Traite De Documentation - Poul Outlet (1934)

    • Documentation - S C Bradford (1948)
    • Walford's Guide to Reference Material - A. J. Walford

    • Introduction to reference work - William A. Katz
    • Twelve Principles of Efficiency - Harringlon Emerson (1913)
    • The Foundation of the Executive - Chester Barnard
    • The Elements of Administrative - Colonel L. Urwick

    Depository Libraries in India

                 The National Depository Libraries Center of India is a public library. There are four Depository Library Centres in India. National Depository Center receives a copy of all books, magazines, and newspapers, published in the country along with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

    Delivery of Books Act, 1954 के तहत भारत के प्रकाशक (Publisher) को 30 दिन के अन्दर छपी हुई पुस्तक की एक - एक प्रति (Copy) चारों Depository Library को भेजना अनिवार्य है |

    "Publishers must deliver a copy of every book, newspaper, or serial to the National Library within 30 days of publication. The act was amended in 1956 to include serials. It applies to all of India except Jammu and Kashmir. Publishers who violate the act are subject to penalties, including a fine of up to 50 rupees or a fine equal to the value of the book."


    Types of Depository Library

        There are four Depository Library Centres in India:

    1. Asiatic Society Library, Bombay ------------ 1804
    2. Connemara Public Library, Chennai -------- 1890
    3. National Library of India, Kolkata ---------- 1948
    4. Delhi Public Library, New Delhi ------------ 1951

    1. Asiatic Society Library of Mumbai

    - स्थापना - 1804
    - It is also known as the Asiatic Society of Bombay
    - पहले इसका नाम - the Literary Society of Bombay हुआ करता था, जिसके नामकर्ता - मेकिंटोस थे
    - इसे वर्तमान नाम 2002 में प्राप्त हुआ
    - 1826 में यह Royal Asiatic Society of great Britain & ireland की शाखा बनी जिसका - नया नाम BBRAS [Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society] है |
    - 1954 में इससे अलग हो जाती है|
    - Asiatic Society Library is a Learned Society and Literary Society in the field of Asian studies.

    2. Connemara Public Library, Chennai

    - Established in 1890 at Egmore in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 
    - 1896 में इसे सार्वजानिक पुस्तकालय बनाया गया 
    - कोनिमेरा भगवान के नाम पर इसका नाम रखा गया
    - 10 सितम्बर 1955 को इसे डिपाजिटरी पुस्तकालय का दर्जा मिला 
    - 1992 में एशियाई बैंकों के प्रकाशनों हेतु डिपाजिटरी पुस्तकालय बना
    - 1955 में UNESCO का सूचना केंद्र बना
    - इसके डिज़ाइनर - H. इरविन थे
    - प्रथम लाइब्रेरियन - एडगर थर्सटन
    - प्रथम भारतीय लाइब्रेरियन - आर. जनार्धनम
    - Connemara Public Library Stamp of India  का पहली बार प्रकाशन - 1998 में हुआ, जिसका मूल्य 300 पैसा था | इसका प्रकाशक Indian Security Press, Nasik था|
    - यह भारत में UNO के प्रकाशनों हेतु Depository Centre के रूप में कार्य करती है |

    3. National Library of India

    - The National Library is the largest and oldest library in India. 
    - The National Library of India is an established in 1948 at Kolkata. 

    4. Delhi Public Library

    - It is established‎ on ‎27 October 1951 in New Delhi by UNESCO and Indian Govt. as a "Pilot Project".
    - इसका उद्घाटन - 27 October 1951 को नेहरु जी द्वारा
    - 1955 में UNESCO ने इसे औपचारिक रूप से भारत सरकार को सौंप दिया|
    - मुख्यालय - चाँदनी चौक, नयी दिल्ली
    - यह संस्कृति मंत्रालय के अधीन कार्य करती है |
    - 1953 में Mobile Library की शुरुआत की गयी |
    - 16 December 1981को चौथी Depository Library बनी|
    - 1994 में Asian Development Bank के प्रकाशनों हेतु Depository Library बनायी गयी |

    LIS Education, Courses and other Facts Initiatives in India

    Library Education in India

    1911 - First Library School खुला - Initiated by W A Borden at Badoda (Gujrat)
    1911 में Sayajirao Gaekwad - III ने W A Borden को Badoda (Gujrat) में बुलाया, जिसने ट्रेनिंग / रिफ्रेशर कोर्स की शुरुआत की | यह भारत का पुस्तकालय शिक्षा का पहला प्रशिक्षण विद्यालय बना|

    1912 - पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी ने जॉन डिकिन्सन को अमेरिका से बुलाया|

    1915 पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी ने जॉन डिकिन्सन द्वारा 3 महीने का प्रशिक्षु प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम (Apperentice Training Program) चलाया| पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी एशिया व भारत का पहला व विश्व का दूसरा पुस्तकालय स्कूल था जिसने "पुस्तकालय विज्ञान" को पधान शुरू किया|

    ** विश्व का पहला पुस्तकालय स्कूल School Library Economy (1887) Melvil Dewey द्वारा 20 छात्रों और 7 शिक्षकों के साथ शुरू किया था|

    1920 - Andhra Desa Library Association  Course Started. किसी भी Library Association द्वारा शुरू किया जाने वाला पहला Library Training Course था|

    1929 - Certificate Course - Started by Madras Library Association (1928) - In 1931 this course is captured by Madras University 

    1937 - P G Diploma in Library Science - Started by Madras University - One Year Diploma - Certificate Course को Convert करके शुरू किया गया |

    1941/42 - 2nd P G Diploma Started by Banaras Hindu University

    1946 - Delhi Library School कला संकाय के तहत Delhi University में खोला गया | यह विश्वविद्यालय स्तर पर पुस्तकालय विज्ञान का पहला स्वतंत्र विभाग था |

    1947 - BLIB by Aligarh Muslim Unversity. यह BLIB प्रदान करने वाली पहली यूनिवर्सिटी थी |इसने सबसे पहले S. बशीरुद्दीन को प्रदान की थी |किन्तु इसकी वेबसाइट के मुताबिक़ BLIB का प्रारंभ 1958-59 मना जा रहा है|

    स्वतंत्रता के बाद

    1949 - दो वर्षीय MLIB का कोर्स दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा शुरू किया गया था |

    1951/52 - पीएचडी कोर्स की शुरुआत दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा की गयी | 
    प्रथम पीएचडी - D. B. कृष्णराव
    1957 में प्राप्त
    रंगानाथन के निर्देशन में
    PhD प्रदान की लेख हेतु - Fact Analysis and Depth Classification of Agriculture

    1967 - MLIB started by Bombay University

    1969 - Library Science में Semester प्रारंभ करने वाली पहली यूनिवर्सिटी दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी बनी|

    1978 - M.Phil. started by Delhi University

    1993 - Curriculum Development Committee  की स्थापना P. N. कौला की अध्यक्षता में हुई | इसमें भारत में लाइब्रेरी साइंस के लिए पाठ्यचर्या कार्यक्रम में सुधार एवं बुनियादी सुविधाओं को सुधारने के लिए दिशा निर्देश तैयार करने हेतु स्थापना हुई|

    2001Curriculum Development Committee  की स्थापना Karisiddappa की अध्यक्षता में हुई |

    2005 - NKC की स्थापना की गयी | इसकी शिफारिशों पर ही National Commission of Libraries की स्थापना की गयी |

    2010 - कलकत्ता यूनिवर्सिटी में लाइब्रेरी साइंस में पांच वर्षीय एकीकृत पाठयक्रम की शुरुआत हुई |

    Indian Library Science-related Consolidate Facts:

    First BLIS Course - Aligarh Muslim University (1947).

    First MLIS Course - Delhi University (1949).

    First MPhil in Library Science Course - Delhi University (1978).

    First PhD in Library Science Course - Delhi University (1951).

    - First University to introduce, M.Lib.Sc., M.Phil, and Ph.D. in LIS in India - Delhi University.

    First D.Litt. in Library Science Course - Utkal University (1992).

    First Refresher Course in Library Science - Barodha (1911).

    First Diploma in Library Science - Punjab University (1915).

    First Certificate Course in Library Science - Madras Library Association (1929).

    First PG Diploma in Library Science - Madras University (1937).

    First five years integrated course in LIS - Calcutta University.

    Other important Facts:

    The First and Oldest University Library were established in British India - Calcutta University.

    The first university in India where a library committee is formed- Calcutta University.

    First Public Library in India  - Thiruvananthapuram Public Library ( The Kerala State Central Library ) in 1829.

    The first Library Network to provide e-mail service in the country - DELNET

    The first centre to use the computer in the library and information activities in India - DRTC Bangalore (est. 1962).

    The first e-mail service in India was provided by - ERNET.

    The first social network for Indian Library and Information Science professionals - LIS Links.

    First Public Library Act in India - Kolhapur Public Lib. Act (1945) [still not in functioning]

    First Public Library Act in independent India - Madras (1948)

    The first library was noticed in India - Sravasti (U.P).

    First D.Litt. की उपाधि प्राप्त की - D. B. शुक्ला ने (Utkal University)

    विश्व में सर्वप्रथम PhD प्रारंभ - 1935 (By London School of Economics)

    भारत में पुस्तकालय विकास हेतु काम करने वाला पहला व्यक्ति - रंगानाथन

    विश्व में सर्वप्रथम BLIB शुरू - USA में

    विशव में सर्वप्रथम पुस्तकालय विज्ञान में प्रोफेसर की नियुक्ति - 1886 (Gottingen University, Germany)



    1. http://theindianlibrarian.blogspot.com/search/label/LIS%20Notes%20for%20Competitive%20Examinations?updated-max=2021-01-01T05:08:00-08:00&max-results=20&start=20&by-date=false

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