In this section below are the term concerned with Person or Institutions:
Concerned with Persons:
- सन्दर्भ सेवा (Refernce Service) - सैमुअल स्वेट ग्रीन
- त्रिमूर्ति की अवधारणा - एस. आर . रंगनाथन
- प्रलेखों को चार भौतिक श्रेणियों में विभाजन - एस. आर . रंगनाथन
- प्रलेखों को सूचना विशेषताओं में विभाजन - हेन्सन व ग्रोगन
- चयनित सूचना प्रसार सेवा - हेन्स पीटर लुहान
- मांग एवं आपूर्ति का सिद्धांत - L R McColvin
- कंप्यूटर आधारित सूचना प्रसार सेवा - हेन्स पीटर लुहान (H P Luhan)
- शब्दकोश सूची के नियम - C A Cutter
- Invisible College का प्रयोग - Derek Solla Price
- AACR-2R के रिविसन से सम्बंधित - सुश्री मार्गरेट मन
- पत्रक सूची - Abbi Rosier
- प्रेसिस इंडेक्सिंग (PRECIS Indexing) पद्दति विकसित की - डेरेक ऑस्टिन
- Notation As a ShortHand Sign - E C Richardson
- Reference Service की अवधारणा - Samual S Green
- UNITERM Indexing - Martimer Tube (1953)
- Hierarchy of Need Theory - A. Maslaw
- Theory X & Y - D. McGreger
- Hygiene & Development Theory - F. Hertzberg
- Self-Determination Theory - E. Deci and R. Ryan
- Prenatal Cataloguing - S R Ranganathan
- Subject Classification - J D Brown (1906)
- Mathematical Theory of Communication - Shenon & Weaver
- Information Seeking Behaviour - Kuhalthau Modal
- Expensive Classification - C A Cutter
- Cloud Computing - Eric Schinidt
- First Classification - Eric Richardson
- Information Transfer - Beesman
- Eight Central Value - Gorman
- Bibliometrics - Alen Pritchard
- Initiation of Reader - S R Ranganathan
- ISBN - Gordon Foster
- POPSI - गणेश भट्टाचार्य
- KWIC - H P लुहान
- Documentation - Paul Outlet
- 12 Rules for Relational Database Principle - Edgar F Codd
- Business Process Management - Michael Porter
- Law of Scattering - S C Bradford
- Bibliographic Coupling -M M Kessler
- Collection Development Principle - S R Ranganathan
- Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger
- Seven Lamp of Professional Ethics - R L Mittal
- Open Access System का श्रेय - W A Borden
- Seven Steps of Planning - Henry Fayol
- Library User Education - P Knapp
- Decimal Fraction Notation - Melvil Dewey
- Citation Index System - Eugine Garfield
- अधुनिक थिसौरस - Peter Mark Roget / Helen Brownson (1957)
- Dorking Conference on Classification - Helen Brownson (1957)
- Reference Service (Minimum, Middling, Maximum) - Samual Rodhstein
- Conservation, Moderate & Liberal - James I Wyer
- NOOK - Barnes and Noble [The Barnes & Noble Nook (styled nook or NOOK) is a brand of e-readers developed by American book retailer Barnes & Noble, based on the Android platform.]
- Project Gutenberg Started by - Michael S. Hart
- Venn Diagram - John Venn
- Brown Charging System - Ms. Nine E. Brown
- Newark Charging System - John Cotton Dana
- UAP - Maurice B. Line
- AACR - Seymour Lubertzky
Concerned with Institutions:
- Question Point - OCLC
- WotrldShare - OCLC
- CatExpress - OCLC
- FirstSearch - OCLC
- COMPASS (Computer Aided Subject System) - BNB
- BIBFRAME - Library of Congress
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