April 26, 2024

Library And Information Policy At National Level


In today's society, information is considered a crucial resource in every development aspect, including social, political, economic, and cultural realms. The advancement of a country relies on generating information, sharing it with the public, and using it effectively. The lack of information will negatively impact the progress. The growing need for information from various sectors has led to a demand for a policy to address this issue. Furthermore, this information is being shared through multiple resources such as libraries, documentation centres, and information analysis and consolidation centres. They are tools used to gather, save, and arrange information. 

Therefore, a policy regarding Libraries and Information Systems was necessary. National governments are the primary investors and distributors of information in nearly every country. Thus, every country should create its own national policy, considering the developments happening at both national and international levels.

The National Policy on Library Information System was developed by the Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) established in 1972, as well as by the Indian Library Association.

The National Library of India Act was passed in 1976 to provide for the administration of the National Library.


Committee Recommendations:

To put into action the suggestions made by the committee, the Government established an Empowered Committee led by Prof. D.P. Chattopadhyaya, October in 1986. The report was submitted by the committee in March of 1988.

The recommendations of the committee are: 

  • Constitution of the National Commission on Libraries
  • Creation of All India Library Services
  • Active role of Central Government in Public Library Development in the State. 
  • Public Library Development has also to be supported by agencies involved in education, social, and rural development
  • The National Library of India, Calcutta should be strengthened
  • Development of a system of national libraries.


The main objective of a National Library and Information Policy should be:

  1. Encourage the utilization of information in every part of the country.
  2. Improve the current library and information systems and services.
  3. Educate and train staff working in library and information services.
  4. Make sure that library and information resources and services cater to the requirements of every sector of the economy.
  5. Promote the gaining and sharing of knowledge.
  6. Protect and advocate for the preservation of the nation's cultural legacy.


A National Information Policy should also include:

  • Determine the specific information requirements of various groups.
  • Determine the most important needs and prioritize them.
  • Imagine a country-wide information system consisting of different sub-systems and sector-specific systems.
  • Choose what services will be available and determine the method of delivery.
  • Keep track of the capabilities of the country's information network.
  • Make sure that all information systems in the country can work together effectively.


The National Library of India suggests a network of national libraries which consists of:-

>  The National Library in Calcutta,

>  National Depository Libraries,

>  National Subject Libraries,

>  National Documentation/Information Centres, and

>  National Databases of Manuscripts.

The National Library of India should establish a National Library Board to facilitate effective communication and coordination among all national libraries, and also between libraries, archives, and museums.

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